For Asset Managers and Other Financial Institutions
Manage climate risk — Identify non-consensus transition risks. Assess transition risk across scenarios. Develop financial products (e.g., indices and annuities).
Meet regulatory requirements — Including scenario modeling and stress-testing requirements for TCFD, EU SFDR Article 8, and US Federal Reserve CSA.
Identify opportunities in the climate transition — Support recommendations and validate assumptions. Build and manage climate-aware portfolios, while retaining diversification.
The Power of Hybrid
Entelligent’s disciplined hybrid approach provides forward-looking predictive power and backward / forward comparability — while maintaining financial materiality and enabling carbon accounting. Download the Smart Climate solution brief.
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Next Steps
Read our deep-dive T-Risk methodology paper to find out what makes Entelligent’s model different.
”Probably the best way to measure transition risk that I have ever seen.
— Asset manager | Top 5 Nordics-based investment bank